La Iniciativa AFRIMAC 2 (para el intercambio empresarial, tecnológico, emprendedor e innovador en materias de alto impacto económico entre Canarias y África Occidental) ha finalizado sus acciones el 31 de diciembre de 2023 en base a su programación.

Day 12. Goodbye Fuerteventura, nos vemos!

Friday, november 10, 2017

Today is our last day in Fuerteventura. The weather is windy and sad, somehow to remind us that we are about to get back home in few hours.

As usual, the bus took us from the hotel to the “Parque Tecnológico de Fuerteventura” for our last training about coding and robotic.

Before the main training, we are introduced to the pearltrees of Afrimac that highlights the Afrimac Project. Martha, our lovely former is inviting us to share our experience on this pearltrees by adding pictures, texts, etc …

Than the members of the Cabildo came to give us our diplomas and to talk with us so that they can know how we found the trainings and our visit in Fuerteventura.

The remarks were all positive. We liked the quality of the formation but also our lifestyle here.

When they left, Martha told us about a platform for code lovers named “” and she taught us how to program a mbot robot and make it move. That was such a great training, funny and amazing. Coding made me feel powerful, and I didn’t want to leave the classroom, but I had to L.

At 14:00, we took the lunch, sadly and with a lot of nostaly. We said goodbye to Martha, took some pictures and when the bus came, we went to the hotel. Some of us started to make their baggages ready, the others went to the comercial center for their last purchases.

Than came the diner time. That was such an emotional moment because the Spanish girls came to see us a last time before we leave. We ate, laughed and said goodbye to the “mujeres” with hugs and kisses with the certainty that it was only the beginning and that we will meet again.

We went to bed with a heavy heart, but something was sure for all of us, we will come back as soon as we get the chance again.

Gracias el Cabildo ,gracias Martha y Rayco, gracias las mujeres tecnológicas, gracias Fuerteventura por todo. Nos vemos!

 Fatima Khourédia Fall

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