The AFRIMAC 2 Initiative (for business, technological, entrepreneurial and innovative exchange in matters of high economic impact between the Canary Islands and West Africa) has ended its actions on December 31, 2023 based on its programming.

Day 1. Preparations for the trip fulfilled

13 technological women have departed to Senegalese lands as AFRIMAC ambassadors. This pioneering project emerges as the latest initiative from the European Fund for Regional Cooperation and endorsed by Cabildo de Fuerteventura.

6:00 in the morning, we wake up with puffy eyes and full of expectations; ready to start the journey. We arrive on time to Gran Canaria’s airport, take the first selfie and start making jokes with the rest of the team. Our two skilled journalists complain about the backlight; committed from the very beginning.

A two hours flight is not enough to weaken our enthusiasm and our fellow Aceysele decides to brighten up the arrival with an improvised Canary folk concert; time to sing and dance till Momar comes to pick us at the terminal.

After a vibrating road to the hotel and once we are settled down we start diving into this warm and spicy culture. Our first meal here surprises us in all senses: we try a lot of different flavors, including ginger juice and a particularly spicy sauce. In the afternoon, after a little rest we go seeking for new adventures in Dakar, visiting the local street markets around Sandaga.

It's being a long intense day and this post comes to an end for now, tomorrow will be another day. Good night to this amazing crew!!

Selene Brito.

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