The AFRIMAC 2 Initiative (for business, technological, entrepreneurial and innovative exchange in matters of high economic impact between the Canary Islands and West Africa) has ended its actions on December 31, 2023 based on its programming.


Project for the business, technological, entrepreneurial and innovative exchange in matters of high economic impact between the Canary Islands and West Africa


AFRIMAC II, entitled "Project for the business, technological, entrepreneurial and innovative exchange in matters of high economic impact between the Canary Islands and West Africa", has also participated in the second call of the Operational Programme of Territorial Cooperation INTERREC (MAC) in search of funding, as Mr. Rafael F. Páez Santana, Councillor of the area where the Cabildo de Fuerteventura also acts as the lead partner, told us.

afrimac's objectives

AFRIMAC II has three specific objectives: 

  • Strengthening the knowledge of existing business opportunitiesin the international field in the Canary Islands' complementary emerging sectors from a gender perspective. 
  • Strengthening of the created business networks and promotion of the creation of new joint business initiatives, encouraging an equal participation of women and men. 
  • Increase the competitive potential and entrepreneurship in the area of cooperation with a gender approach.


On this ocassion, AFRIMAC II counts with the participation of the Viceconsejería de Acción Exterior del Gobierno de Canarias, the Instituto Canario de Igualdad and the Fundación Canaria Radio Ecca. In addition to the partners from third countries, the Agence pour l'Economie et la Maitrise de l'Energie (AEME) from Senegal, the Ministèrio da Industria, Comércio e Energia from Cape Verde, the Ministério da Educaçao from Cape Verde and the Association de lutte contre la pauvreté from Mauritania.

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