L'Initiative AFRIMAC 2 (d'échanges commerciaux, technologiques, entrepreneuriaux et innovants en matière à fort impact économique entre les îles Canaries et l'Afrique de l'Ouest) a terminé ses actions le 31 décembre 2023 sur la base de sa programmation.

Day 4. Learning Business Model Canvas for our projects

Thursday, november 2, 2017.

We start the day at 8h 00 by having breakfast. After that the bus bring us at the Fuerteventura’s technological parc. We arrive around 9h30 to start the training.


We start With how to find funds for our projects (locally or international).

Then We’ve done an execise about SWOT Analysis Worksheet.

And finally after the break We did à group exercise for making Business Model Canvas for our projects.

After the lunch we visited OCEAMIC inside the technologiacal parc.

We spend a great day !!!

Moussou DIOP Ndeye Ndieunde LEYE

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