L'Initiative AFRIMAC 2 (d'échanges commerciaux, technologiques, entrepreneuriaux et innovants en matière à fort impact économique entre les îles Canaries et l'Afrique de l'Ouest) a terminé ses actions le 31 décembre 2023 sur la base de sa programmation.

Day 6. Day of cultural exchange between Canaries and Senegalese

Saturday, november 5, 2017.

Saturday no like other, we woke up and had a nice Spanish breakfast. After breakfast we went to the cultural center where we did the exchange of culture between canaries and Senegalese.

We were shown the old shoes made with goatskin, the plants that grow the most on the island and shells to make good music, Rayco gave us a demonstration with Julia and we liked it very much. The dance was part of it, Pedro taught us the Canarian dance, and we danced together the mbalakh dance too.

A concert with Asceycele’s group «Guineo Colectivo» was reserved for us, an opportunity for Thiaba to realize his dream of singing in front of a microphone. We really liked all the songs played.

Good dishes from the island such as Gofio and goat cheese, not to mention the Spanish paella very taken by the Senegalese, were also in the party.

At night we discovered an artistic event that happens once a year. people come from all over to watch the organized activities, acrobatic, sales in the shops, concert, …

It was truly a magical day for us, we know that the best is yet to come. Guapisima Isla.

Ndiack et Thiaba

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