The AFRIMAC 2 Initiative (for business, technological, entrepreneurial and innovative exchange in matters of high economic impact between the Canary Islands and West Africa) has ended its actions on December 31, 2023 based on its programming.

AFRIMAc II - Project for the business, technological, entrepreneurial and innovative exchange in matters of high economic impact between the Canary Islands and West Africa

AFRIMAC II, a "Project for entrepreneurial, technological, entrepreneurial and innovative exchange in matters of high economic impact between the Canary Islands and West Africa", was submitted to the second call of the INTERREG Territorial Cooperation Operational Program (MAC). This project has a budget of 971,340.53 Euros, of which 85% belongs to the ERDF Funds.

The Operational Program of Territorial Cooperation Madeira-Azores-Canary Islands (MAC) 2014-2020 is the main instrument for the outermost regions of Spain and Portugal to provide an effective response to the common challenges they face in terms of innovation, competitiveness, internationalization and sustainable development.

The five major areas or thematic objectives of the “I Call for Operational Program of Territorial Cooperation INTERREG V-A Madeira, Azores and Canaries (MAC) 2014-2020” are:

  • Point 1: Strengthening research, technological development and innovation.
  • Point 2: Improve the competitiveness of companies.
  • Point 3: Promoting climate change adaptation, risk prevention and management.
  • Point 4: Preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency.
  • Point 5: Improve institutional capacity and efficiency of public administration.

Being Point 2 on “Improving the competitiveness of the companies” the one impelled by this project and with which it is intended to create the conditions for the internationalization of the companies in the Canaries in general and in Fuerteventura in particular. It also includes actions related to improving the competitiveness of companies, namely:

  • The promotion of business cooperation for the development and implementation of business models for SMEs in the area of ​​cooperation.
  • Legal, technological, commercial and scientific support services for innovation and business internationalization.

The Cooperation Area is composed of Madeira, the Azores and the Canaries, as well as three countries: Cape Verde, Senegal and Mauritania, which due to their geographical proximity have been invited and have accepted to participate in the Program that has allowed the expansion of the natural space for socio-economic and cultural influence.

objectives of afrimac

The general objective of AFRIMAC II is to improve the internationalization of companies in the cooperation area through the creation of networks and the generation of a knowledge environment with a gender perspective.

Besides, AFRIMAC II has three specific objectives:

  • To capitalize on the tools for the promotion of the knowledge of the existing business opportunities in the international sphere in the complementary emerging sectors of the Canary Islands from the gender perspective, influencing the improvement of the productive potential of women.
  • To promote the business networks created and the creation of new joint business initiatives, promoting equal participation of women and men.
  • To increase the competitive potential and entrepreneurship in the cooperation area with a gender focus.

participants in afrimac ii

On this occasion, AFRIMAC II has the collaboration of the following beneficiaries:

  • Inter-island Council of Fuerteventura.
  • Fundación Canaria Radio ECCA.
  • Viceconsejería de Acción Exterior del Gobierno de Canarias.

 In addition to the following partners from third countries:

  • Agence pour l'Économie et la Maîtrise de l'Énergie (AEME) from Senegal.
  • Ministèrio da Industria Comércio e Energia from Cape Verde.
  • Ministério da Educação from Cape Verde.
  • Association de Lutte contre la Pauvreté en Mauritanie (ALPM) fromMauritania.
  • Initiatives pour un Développement Endogène IDEE from Mauritania.

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