The AFRIMAC 2 Initiative (for business, technological, entrepreneurial and innovative exchange in matters of high economic impact between the Canary Islands and West Africa) has ended its actions on December 31, 2023 based on its programming.

mauritania, a future partner

New projects are emerging from the cooperation between Mauritania, the Canary Islands and AFRIMAC. This is not surprising when we know that, among the three archipelagos that form the cooperation area of the MAC projects, the Canary Islands are the closest to Africa.

 Currently, AFRIMAC is already working from the collaborative work platform with a working group located in Nouakchott, Mauritania. The projects under study in the Canary Islands before its future implementation in Mauritania range from the development of a geolocation system for the thousands of dromedaries crossing the desert to organize training programs for Mauritanian companies. Mauritania is also part of the project "100 Women to Change West Africa", coordinated by AFRIMAC. 

 In the same vein, the AFRIMAC guideline was defined during the first meetings of women entrepreneurs' associations in the economic development community of West African States organized at Casa África. The aim of these meetings is to strengthen the business links between women business leaders in the Canary Islands and West Africa. The General Secretary of BPW Mauritania, Mrs. Savia N'tahah, the President of BPW International, Amany Asfour and the Director of Afrimac, Carlos David Gutiérrez were present. There were also several conferences led by representatives of international organizations related to the empowerment and involvement of women, especially in the business community.

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