The AFRIMAC 2 Initiative (for business, technological, entrepreneurial and innovative exchange in matters of high economic impact between the Canary Islands and West Africa) has ended its actions on December 31, 2023 based on its programming.

Neighboring Archipelago: Cape Verde

Bathed by the same waters of the Atlantic, the archipelagos of Cape Verde and the Canary Islands have a very similar island character. They have always been neighbouring islands between Africa and America, bearers of an island culture that looks out to sea. Now, with AFRIMAC, a new opportunity for territorial cooperation is opening up.

The AFRIMAC platform has invaded Cape Verde with great presence for more than a year, relevant presentations in the neighboring archipelago, which has requested numerous projects for the platform. Currently, there is a working group formed by members of the Cape Verde government and the platform and they are launching several projects in parallel.

Work was also done to implement international organizations in Cape Verde, as is the case of the World Peace Organization (WOFP) with the recent opening of an office as a logistics center for West Africa.

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